Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 52

PICTURE: new hair! Since I didn't post a pic yesterday, I am posting 2 today! I had the day off...thank you Presidents! I spent the entire, sleeting, snowing day with my friend Erin and her 2 cutieheads. She has done my hairs for a long time. Today, I got to hold sleeping Oliver while my hair processed (Erin was doing dishes). That's the first pic. The second pic is my STRAIGHT hair (it will be curly when I wash it next).

READING: Deuteronomy 1-2. Chapter 1 verses 16-18 seem like rules for a court to follow - judge fairly, do not discriminate, be fearless. BUT, God is the ultimate judge.

I really liked Deut 1:30 "The LORD your God, who is going before you, will fight for you...." It is always good, for me, to be reminded that God has already paved the way for my life. He will take me down that path if I continually choose to follow him.

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks so awesome in the first picture! haha
